Build reporting workflows,
crazy fast.

PushMetrics lets you develop data pipelines and analytics experiences in a simple, fast and intuitive way - without compromising on flexibility.

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A better way to build data workflows

In PushMetrics you can create workflows by simply combining SQL, Jinja and APIs - that's all you need to build even complex pipelines.

Create pre-built, executable tasks

Run SQL queries, send or receive data via API calls, plot charts and send emails or Slack messages - all in a simple UI. No need to write complex code.

Define your workflow logic

Use if/else statements, for loops, parameters and macros to move data between tasks and define exactly the execution logic you need. From simple flows to complex business processes.

Schedule & set it live.

PushMetrics automatically detects dependencies between tasks, compiles your notebook into an executable graph (DAG), and executes everything in the right order - on-demand or fully automated on a schedule.


A seamless experience from start to finish.

Once you created your tasks and defined the logic, you just click on run - and that's it. No need to define dependencies between tasks, no installations, no CLI, no hassle.

PushMetrics automatically detects dependencies and executes tasks in the right order. And once you are ready to automate, scheduling is just another few clicks and you're done.


A set of powerful building blocks.

Loop over tasks

Use for loops to iterate over a set of tasks dynamically.

Conditional Branching

Run tasks only if certain conditions are met with if / else statements.


Dynamically configure your workflows using parameters.


Build custom functions and reusable snippets using macros.


SQL Blocks

Query databases using a powerful, easy-to-use SQL IDE.


API Blocks

Construct REST API calls using a simple, visual interface.


Message Blocks

Easily send messages to email, slack and other messaging services.



Schedule automated runs of your notebooks with just a few clicks.

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