"Fantastic Solution!"
The Data Workspace For Insights Distribution

Activate the full potential of your data by delivering data-driven messages & reports to where people already are.
Bring everyone together in a collaborative data workspace.


Proudly supporting data-driven decisions at

You have great data in your warehouse.
You should use it for more.

Low Dashboard Adoption?

Self-service dashboards alone are not enough. Start leveraging your data for business operations, customer messaging, and more.

Manual Reporting workflows?

Reporting needs come in many shapes & forms - managing all of them quickly becomes an administration nightmare without proper automation.

Constantly writing the same SQL?

Without a shared data workspace, everyone is constantly reinventing the wheel when it comes to SQL queries and metrics definitions.

Go From Unseen Dashboards
To Outstanding Analytics Experiences

Reports & Alerts

Reach People Where They Already Are

Deliver data to your team and customers via email, slack, file upload, and more.


Deliver to Slack & Co.

Send engaging data insights to your team's default communication channels.

Send Pixel-Perfect Report Emails

Send emails to your team and customers that are worth paying attention to. Include files & attachments, bring your own branded email templates, and personalize each message.

Go From SQL To Message In No Time

Use query reuslts to personalize messages, filter attachments, and even to build fully dynamic recipient lists.

Set Up Automated KPI Alerts

Send conditional messages whenever a KPI value reaches a threshold or any other criteria.

Distribute Files & Data Easily

Upload data exports & files to cloud storages or file servers.

Include Attachments From BI Tools

Get the Dashboards you have already built in front of a wider audience. Export charts & dashboards from BI tools like Tableau and distribute them with PushMetrics.

Flexible Scheduling Options

Set up any scheduling interval you need, even multiple schedules per workflow.

Event-based Triggers

Trigger reports & messages via webhooks and run them when a specific event happens.

Error Handling & Monitoring

Set up notifications to monitor successful and failed runs.

Data Workspace

Bring Everyone Together With Data

Collaborate on SQL queries, notebooks, analyses, and metrics definitions. Get everyone on the same page.


Create A Shared Library Of SQL Queries

PushMetrics comes with a powerful SQL Editor that makes working with your data warehouse a breeze. Connect to any SQL database and use its data for messages, distribution lists, and more.

Centrally Managed Database Connections

Manage all your database connections from a single place and share them with your team.

Align on Metrics & KPIs

Create a shared library of metrics and KPIs and get everyone on the same page.

Analyze Together In Notebooks

Our collaborative SQL notebooks allow you to work together on complex queries and analyses and easily share them with your team.


Manage All Your Schedules In One Place

Manage all your workflows from a single place. See what's running, what's scheduled, and what failed.

Get A Partner You Can Count On

Over the years, we have worked with hundreds of companies, helping them deliver millions of data-driven messages every month.
We can't wait to build the next solution with you.


Hands-on Support

Our team is here for you. We assist you in getting up to speed, joining calls, ensuring your workflows function seamlessly.


Enterprise-grade Security

PushMetrics was built with enterprise-grade security requirements in mind to keep you in control and your data safe.


Custom-tailored Solutions

PushMetrics is flexible and configurable. We can adapt to your needs and tailor the app to fit to your stack and requirements.

"We have more people than ever interacting with and looking at our data. As a result, we're seeing more informed decisions being made company-wide."


"PushMetrics has been a real game changer for us. Alerts pushed into specific Slack channels allow us to identify potential issues and their causes faster than we were ever able to before."


"Working with Pushmetrics has made it so much easier for the whole company to use data. Every morning we receive our dashboards in dedicated slack channels - making reporting much more efficient for us."


"As more people have been seeing some of the data for the first time there is a lot of 'oh wow' and 'I had no idea that...'"

Mr Delivery

Trusted by great data teams at

Start Activating The Full Potential Of Your Data

Sign up to begin your free trial.
Or schedule a demo to discuss your use case.