
Learn how to avoid repetition in templates using macros. This is the sixth article in our series on Jinja templating.

Macros are user-defined named blocks that you can use multiple times in your templates, reducing repetition. They are equivalent to functions in programming languages. You start the macro definition using the macro keyword and end it using endmacro.

Let's use an example to explain how macros work and how they can be useful to you. Imagine you have an SQL table containing several nullable columns: you want to query it and assign a default value in case of NULL, as well as an alias to make results more readable. Your query would look something like this:

    coalesce('first_name', 'N/A') as first_name,
    coalesce('last_name', 'N/A') as last_name,
    coalesce('business_name', 'N/A') as business_name,
    coalesce('business_vat_id', 'N/A') as business_vat_id
FROM learnsql.invoices

There's a lot of repetition in it: let's use a macro to remove it.

{%- macro if_null(column, default_value) -%}
    coalesce({{ column }}, '{{ default_value }}') as {{ column }}
{%- endmacro -%}

    {{ if_null('first_name', 'N/A') }},
    {{ if_null('last_name', 'N/A') }},
    {{ if_null('business_name', 'N/A') }},
    {{ if_null('business_vat_id', 'N/A') }}
FROM learnsql.invoices

Rendering the above template results in same query as above.

Another example: your table contains columns that provide VAT-including amounts as well as the applied VAT rate; you want to strip VAT off of the amounts, rounding them to up to 2 decimal digits. You'd normally write something like:

    round(discount_applied::numeric / (1 + vat_rate), 2)
    round(total::numeric / (1 + vat_rate), 2)
FROM learnsql.invoices

The VAT stripping and rounding logic take a moment to read, let's move them to a macro:

{%- macro strip_off_vat_and_round(amount, vat_rate) -%}
    round({{ amount }}::numeric / (1 + {{ vat_rate }}), 2)
{%- endmacro -%}

	{{ strip_off_vat_and_round('discount_applied', 'vat_rate') }},
	{{ strip_off_vat_and_round('total', 'vat_rate') }}
FROM learnsql.invoices

The macro name makes the intent clearer: the advantages of macros become more and more visible as the complexity of your query and/or the number of repetitions increases.