Slack Integration

Navigate to Data & Integrations to create a Slack Integration.

To enable Slack messaging within PushMetrics, establish a connection between the two platforms through either the Slack App or Webhook integration.

You may us the button below to start the process right away.
(Must be logged in to PushMetrics)

Using the Slack App, requires you to add the Slack Bot to your workspace and amend certain permissions ("scopes") to the Bot.
The PushMetrics Slack App makes use of the following Slack Scopes:

  • channels:join - This scope allows your app to join public channels in a workspace.
  • channels:read - This scope allows your app to view basic information about public channels in a workspace, including the list of channels and their details like name, creation date, purpose, etc.
  • chat:write - This scope allows your app to send messages as itself to channels it's a member of. The messages will appear as sent by the app, not as a user.
  • chat:write.public - This scope allows your app to send messages to public channels it's not a member of. The messages will appear as sent by the app, not as a user.
  • files:write - This scope allows your app to upload, delete and interact with files (for instance, create a public URL for a file) as itself. It can handle files it uploaded itself or ones uploaded by users in channels it's a part of.

Creating a Slack Connection:

Slack App:

  1. Click "Slack" in the Data & Integrations screen
  2. Click "Add to Slack"
  3. Review scopes and click "allow"
  4. Choose a name for this integration, if you have more than one
  5. Click "next"


  1. Click "Slack" in the Data & Integrations screen
  2. Choose "Webhook"
  3. Click “To generate a Slack app with webhook URL, click here”, or click here
  4. Choose a workspace, click “Next”,” Create”, and “Install to Workspace”
  5. Select a channel (e.g., “#general”), click “Allow”
  6. Go to “Incoming Webhooks” under “Features,” copy the webhook URL, and paste it into the “Slack Webhook URL” field.
  7. Choose a name for this integration, if you have more than one
  8. Click "next"

Editing a Slack Connection:

  1. Navigate to integrations tab of the Data & Integrations page.
  2. Click the edit button to the right of the integration you would like to edit.
  3. Click "Edit".

Slack App Vs. Incoming Webhooks:

A Slack App is a more comprehensive integration that can interact with Slack in a variety of ways. It's not just about sending messages but can also read, write, and extend Slack functionalities. Here are a few things a Slack App can do:

  • Send messages not only to channels but also directly to users.
  • Receive and respond to events in Slack (like messages, reactions, etc.)
  • Add new UI elements to the Slack interface like buttons, drop-down menus, etc.
  • Access Slack APIs that provide additional functionalities, such as uploading files, managing channel settings, etc.
  • Use interactive components like buttons, message menus, dialogues, etc.
  • Run slash commands.

Incoming Webhooks:

Webhooks are a simple way to post messages from external sources into Slack. They make use of normal HTTP requests with a JSON payload that includes the message text and some options.
A few points about webhooks:

  • They are typically one-way communication, i.e., they can send information to a Slack channel but can't receive any information back.
  • The functionality is limited - they are mostly used just to post messages to Slack.
  • They can't initiate interactions or handle responses.
  • They do not need to be installed in a workspace. They can be created and managed by workspace users.